Sunday, September 7, 2014

Le Weekend

I had thee best weekend! What did I do? Spontaneous trip to San Diego? Nope. Disneyland adventure extravaganza? Nah. (Although that would've been magical!) I actually just stayed home (for the most part) and did nothing. Okay, not nothing.  I organized my crafts/scrapbook suitcase thing. It looks like a small carryon. You know the kind. Anywho. I cleaned that... And I completed an illustration I started a few months back. FINALLY! I feel like such a responsible adult whenever I complete a project. Especially one that was left half-done for so long.

It's been a while since I've illustrated by hand using actual pencils. Mostly I've been drawing digital doodles on my iPad (as you may have seen on Facebook), so it was nice to hold the weight of a drawing tool and not my stylus. If I messed up, I felt it more. Does that make sense? I couldn't just click "Undo" like on the drawing app. I had to pick up an eraser and use some elbow grease. It meant more... I really feel there's a metaphor to be explored here, but maybe I'll come back to it later (story of my life)...You know what it was? The flowers. Doodling in the shadow of a pretty bouquet of roses from my garden made everything feel more inspiring. More real. Yeah. That's it :)

Speaking of arts and crafts, would you like to see what I've been DIYing lately? YES | NO

PS. You know what else makes me feel like a responsible adult and contributing member of society? Finishing a tube of chapstick/lipbalm. Go figure.