Wednesday, April 17, 2013

San Diego, Land That We Love

Justin and I recently decided to take a last minute trip to one of our favored and beloved cities, San Diego. We  c.a.n.n.o.t. get enough of this place.(I would looove to live there some day!) This round was especially delightful because we ended up visiting places we'd never been before. Our first day there we explored Coronado Island and had lunch at a delicious pub and grill. Actually, it wasn't that delicious. We sat outdoors next to a man that pet his dog for the full hour that we were there. Nonstop. No joke. So what's the big deal about that? Three words: Golden retriever hair seasoning. Ok, so that's four words...But you get the point. It was windy and the dog was going through a shedding phase. Darn that westerly breeze! Anywho... After that we explored some more and then visited our favorite place in SD, Old Town. And get this... We had dinner and treats at a restaurant other than La Pinata. Shocking, right?
Our last day there we visited El Presidio and Heritage Park for afternoon tea. I guess I should post pictures of that too, but I'm feeling sleepy, so maybe next time. Stay tuned!

PS. Recognize the banner picture from a previous post?