Monday, February 25, 2013

Event: G. Family Baby Shower

A few months ago I went to the most beautiful baby shower ever. And by beautiful, I mean, all you can eat steak. I'm kidding! The steak wasn't the only thing that made this shower amazing. It was all in the details. No joke! This event was elaborate, meaningful, and extremely interactive. There was a scrapbooking station where each guest created a page for the baby's first scrapbook...There was a bib-making section...Games...A kid's room with video games, nacho bar, and a candy bar station... It was intense! I felt like I was at a wedding the whole time. Aside from the wow-factor, it was a HUGE blessing to be part of that day and to capture some sweet memories for a family that is very close to my heart....

Here are a few shots so you can see the glory for yourself..
If you can make toilet paper look pretty then you deserve an award of some sort....Am I right? Or am I right?