Sunday, September 15, 2013

Wedding: Miriam & Alejo

Photographing weddings is beyond stressful, but also one of the most rewarding things that can happen to a photographer. You really can't take a single break because chances are you'll miss something magical. Yet it's a whole different ballgame when you're simply invited to attend a wedding as a guest. It's one of my favorite things in life really.

My BEAUTIFUL friend, Miriam, married this past Sunday in San Clemente, CA. The locale was perfect, as was the bride, the family, her dress, all the food, flowers, weather, kids, etc. (I could be here all day.) But that's not really what made it unforgettable...Let me explain.
I met Miriam via some tragic events in her life. She's lived through some heartbreaking things. Moments that could undo a person and cause one to lose faith in God. She's been shaken to the core through loss and sorrow, yet she's always had this unmistakable strength, poise, and peace about her. To see her beaming on her wedding day, in the arms of the man she loves, was good for my soul. A day I will never forget. I mean, just look how happy she is!
In the past, I've seen her choke back tears of pain, but today I saw her cry tears of joy...
Having seen her on opposite sides of the emotional spectrum, made me realize a few things. 1.) Life is tragic and beautiful. 2.) Life goes on. 3.) God is faithful  4.) God is with us even when we least expect it. And 5.) I love Prime Rib. (I'm kidding! But really.)
Miriam gave a beautiful speech during the reception that really struck and encouraged me...She said something to the effect that the Lord had brought many into her path throughout the years during bittersweet times...And each person she met on the road of life was a token of His presence. Whether she turned left or right at her reception, she was surrounded by family. We were all her family...Each face she looked upon, a reminder that God was with her through it all... Is that amazing or what?

Thank you so much for letting us be a part of your day! We wish you happiness and many blessings Miriam and Alejo!